Friday, August 12, 2011

Unexpected Trip

Greetings Fellow Wizards,

Sorry for not posting as often as I said I was. I went on an unexpected trip to the beach and my parents decided not to take the laptop.

On the happy side of this post there has been a lot of Wizard101 news for the past few days. If you would like to check the news out from its original distribution click here.

First up is 'Get exclusive Wizard101 Items & Coupons with NOW 39!' Basically, if you buy the 'Now That's What I Call Music 39' CD you'll get a code for a 15-day Black Panther mount and a special code that will grant you the offer of having 50% off your 1st month's payment of a Wizard101 subscription. Note: This is only if you've NEVER bought a Wizard101 recurring subscription and you would like to purchase one now. I must say that this CD is NOT worth it. You don't even have to buy the CD to get the 15-day Black Panther mount. EVERY CD has the same code to get the 15-day Black Panther mount. If you would like to get a 15-day Black Panther mount, but you don't wanna buy the CD just go to the Wizard101 Official website, log in and enter the code 'panther'. If you enter that code you'll get a 15-day Black Panther mount in game the next time you log in.

Also in Wizard101 news is 'New Crown Shop Pet - The Samoorai!' This new Samoorai pet seems to be getting excellent derby skills, but not-so-good talents. If you're a Pet Derby fan this is a must have since people have been claiming that this pet comes with a ton of epic derby skills. For now there is no other way to get it from besides the Crowns Shop. It's a whopping 7,500 crowns so if you're tight on crowns you might want to pass buying the pet and wait for someone to discover from which boss it drops from.

And the last bit of news is 'House-a-Palooza' Starting today until August 23rd, save up to 50% off houses and housing items in the Crowns Shop! You'll also get an awesome FREE gift when you log into the game between this time period. I haven't logged in yet, but when I do I'll be sure to post on twitter what I get.

Well that's all for today. Feel free to comment and if you'd like, send me an e-mail at

Until next time,
~Jordan Seadreamer~

Oops forgot to add this to the post. Click here for a link to the House-a-Palooza page.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stray Piggle Sprint Tourny

Greetings Fellow Wizards,

I appreciate the positive reactions and feedback I have been getting on my latest blog post. I'm glad that most of you like it and I want you all to know I am continuously working on my blog to make it better. It's good to know I have people actually reading my blog posts.

As the title suggests I am participating in one of Wizard101 Central's contests; the Stray Piggle Sprint. The Stray Piggle Sprint is a pet derby contest where you race against the person you are matched with in the bracket. My first opponent was Shinedown (Paul). Both of our Piggles were teen so the racing was up to pure skills. In the end my Piggle, Mister George, put up a great fight and we emerged victorious! I wish I had taken screenshots, but in all the excitement I forgot to.

Now I'm up against fernpaw7 and I'm training Mister George as much as possible to get him ready for the obstacles ahead. Fernpaw7 and I will have our match on Tuesday, August 9th at 1:00 CST so be around on twitter at that time to hear the results. The first person to win 3 matches wins.

Today there isn't really any news. Just people hanging around in the test realm doing Wysteria. I've only been training Mister George so I can't really say I've been Spiral questing or anything. Pretty short blog post, but the next one will be bigger, I promise. I can't really write much either today because I'm using Jordan Moonstone's computer to write this and I might have to get off soon.

Until next time,
~ Jordan Seadreamer~

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm Back!!!

Greetings Fellow Wizards,

I'm back from my 6 month unannounced break from blogging. I have to say I've changed so much. For starters I'm now level 60! I owe you all an apology for not posting anything for 6 months. I got distracted with questing and blogging wasn't my main priority anymore, but now it is. What made me come back was the trip down memory lane. I was browsing the internet late at night when I did a Google search and my blog came up as one of the search results. I clicked the link and voila here I am. I started sifting through my old blog posts and realized that I miss blogging. I'm taking the opportunity right now and coming back to the magnificent world of blogging.

As I've already mentioned before I'm now level 60. It was such an awesome experience and I can't wait to do it again on a different wizard. I'm still working on Jordan continuously. I still haven't finished Celestia, but I'm getting there. I'm also trying to complete all quests in game that are available to a level 60 Sorcerer. It's going to be a challenge, but I'm going for it! After that gets done I plan to collect all badges in game, become a Grandmaster Artisan, become a PvP Warlord, go to the highest rank possible in the Pet Derby, etc. For a full list of my new goals keep on coming back to the blog and expect a new blog post on it pretty soon.

Now for Wizard101 news. As most of you know the new *small* world of Wysteria is now available on the Test Realm for subscribers. If you were expecting pictures I'm very sorry. I haven't gotten ANY pictures because I haven't set a foot in Wysteria. I'm going to save the new content of Wysteria until it hits Live Realm because I don't wanna spoil the surprise for myself. If you want to see the official announcement click on the link here. Remember that these updates are only in the test realm at the moment!

In community news we have a birthday boy today. Happy Birthday Thomas Deathgem! May you have a great one and hopefully you'll receive a lot of Wizard101 gift cards! Also in community news, Wizard101 Central's Fawne has posted a new installment of 'Wizard Weekly' on the welcoming page of Wizard101 Central. If you would like to see it click on the link here.

That's all the news I have for today. Keep on coming back for more posts and news. Also, feel free to comment, ask any questions or send me an e-mail at

Until next time,
~Jordan Seadreamer~

Friday, January 28, 2011

Party! :D

You may have heard that there's going to be a party on Saturday, January 29. Here are the details:

Time: 8:30P.M. - 11:30P.M. EST (Eastern), 7:30P.M. - 10:30P.M. CST (Central), 6:30P.M. - 9:30P.M. MST (Mountain), 5:30P.M. - 8:30P.M. PST (Pacific).

Location: We'll meet up in the Wu realm, Area 1 in Nightside assuming you're not on Icy's friend list or mine, but if you're on my friends list or Icy's just port to us.

Invite your friends! Spread the word!

More Info (in Icy's words from Facebook): This is a birthday party for the IRL birthday of our new friend, Jordan SeaDreamer. Jordan was at Stormy's party last month just before Christmas and we have been so happy we have been able to get to know her!

No IMPERSONATORS please or I'll have to send you away! No cursing or bad behavior or I'll have to send you away!

Thanks Icy for making this all possible!

Until next time,
~Jordan Seadreamer~

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change in the Zodiac Sings

There was a change made to the Zodiac signs TODAY! The new Zodiac sign is Ophiuchus and it's the 13th to be discovered. Here's the new list (it only applies to people born AFTER Nov. 2009):

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Read more:

So I'm STILL Aquarius! :D

Until next time,
~Jordan Seadreamer